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Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yes I finally got to it. I'd like to start with some local comments.

Are you f*****g nutz?! Do you no what would have happened if the state government in are state would have to shut down. Schools would have to close! The police wouldn't be there to stop crime and government services would shut down which would lead to violence and crime that you couldn't possibly comprehend! So I think you little rich white boy ass can live with a tax increase. -anonymous in Michigan

I'm rich now? Must have missed the memo. Also no great, crappy, or ever moderately lucky society has ever taxed itself into prosperity. It doesn't work that way. Following the ideology your wealth would require the losses of others. The only thing that you are accomplishing in the end is a redistribution of wealth and poverty. A better idea would be to take away the golden parachutes that these mini socialists in Lansing have and force them to work under the same systems that we do. Watch how fast the problem would be solved then.

Hey Joe! I loved your Power To The People post. The media is the biggest inhibitor to progress and change in this country and we all know how very important it is to remember that the government is there to do our bidding and not vice-versa. What do you think of a recall of Jenny Granholm? - anonymous in Michigan

Well it could be a good or bad thing. Personally I think a recall at this point is too little too late. She should have never been allowed back after her first term, but apparently people were dumb enough to vote for her again. The problem in this state actually does not lie as much with Granholm as it does the people not thinking before they vote. She won in a bigger margin against Devos for her second term than she did against Posthumus in the first go around. I'm sure it had a lot to do with the pussyfication of the GOP at the time, but people should have realized that the business brass tack guy we needed in office was Devos. I am so cynical of the people in this state for what they've done to our beautiful land that I couldn't even tell you exactly how I feel about the recall of Granholm. I'm totally disconnected.

Where have you been!? I was worried there for a while that you were going to stop blogging. -Rhonda (New Jersey)

I had some major ups and downs in the past few weeks. Things have been hectic and busy, but believe me every chance I've gotten to blog about something I've taken.

So have you made up your mind about who your gonna pull for in the primary? The presidential? -Exes in Texas

As I've said before, my job is not to plug for a specific candidate. I feel that it would be bad for my blog to go from being an equal offender commentator to being misconstrued as a spokesperson for a specific candidate. Have I made up my mind about who I'm going to vote for in the primary. Yeah I have a pretty good idea but that is for me to know and for you to find out. As for the general race, I will most likely be casting a vote against Hillary if she is nominated. Hope that helps you out.

Now you are saying you're telepathic. What a pussy! You still haven't answered for getting involved with a censorship group. I bet you can't answer for it, because you like all the other conservative freaks in this world only want your little conservative world and that is it. You want nothing but conservatives. Makes you kinda like little hitlers. So what about that censorship group, R-dubya or whatever you call yourself. -Manthong

Manthong, you make my day. You also crack me up by sending me an email via different email addresses every single time. It's hilarious. I'm not part of any censorship group and I did respond to your comments didn't I? Can I give you some advice? Don't accuse someone of not doing something when you can easily look back a page and see that they actually did. Livejournal chose to take those sites down on their own. WFI had no part in the deletion process. As for censoring other people's opinions, have I not posted on my page every thing you comment you've sent me.

GLAAD ain't too glad with you. -annonymous

I know. It's funny because you can hear their lisps through their emails.

Can I get your voting history? I don't mean to sound rude but I have to do a project that researches how people voted and why and I was curious to see if you could help me out. -Dan in SD

Sure, I'm an open guy as long as people ask. I'll give you what I can remember.

2004 Presidential: Bush (R) He won
I held my nose. I was and am still unhappy with the Bush administration but I felt that less damage could be done then with Kerry.

2006 Gubernatorial: Dick Devos (R) He lost
If you've heard about Granholm you'd ask why not rather than why.

2006 Senatorial: Michael Bouchard (R) He lost
I voted for the Keith Butler in the primary but he lost to Bouchard. I wasn't crazy about Bouchard but I felt he could a far better job than the rodeo clown.

2006 Proposals (My Vote & The Actual Results Were The Same)
Proposal 1: Conservation Funds Can Only Be Used For Conservation Purposes
My Vote: Yes
Why: I'm a conservationist and the state government has a habit of sucking up money for general funds rather than for their actual purposes.

Proposal 2: Affirmative Action Ban
My Vote: Yes
Why: Affirmative Action is reverse racism. That is all it has ever been.

Proposal 3: Proposition For Mourning Dove Hunting Season (The Funniest Amendment Ever)
My Vote: No
Why: Yes I voted to save the stupid mourning doves. They are annoying as hell, but mourning doves hang out mostly in one spot. The roof of a house. I don't need Billy Bob taking pot shots at my house.

Proposal 4: Eminent Domain Ban
My Vote: Yes
Why: This was probably the most important state amendment I have ever voted for. The government has no right to take anyone's property for the sole purpose of special interests and to provide extra profit to big business. My land is my land and if anyone has a problem with that they can take it up with our founding fathers.

Proposal 5: The Establishment Of Mandatory Levels Of School Funding
My Vote: No
Why: We voted enough into school aid and I had serious questions into whether this money was actually going towards education resources rather than pay raises for administrators and teachers.

More of your questions and comments in the next coming days!

1 comment:

Bruno said...

I don't agree with your use of the expression "reverse racism" to qualifye affirmative action. I think it's more appropriate to talk about "anti-white racism"or about anti-white discrimination.

The "reverse racism" expression actually promotes racist stereotypes against white people. Saying "reverse racism" implies there is a "norm" in racism (white people's racism toward other racial groups) and that racism is, somehow, a "white thing", which is wrong and prejudiced.

Please see my page : reverse racism Vs anti-white racism
