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Sunday, February 4, 2007

What's Up With Wal-Mart

I was watching some financial show on CNN the other day, and on this show was some anti-Wal Mart activist just spewing as much rhetoric as they usually can in their allotted time period. I can't help but wonder why in a capitalist society people would be so bent on not allowing a company to compete or become successful, but that's another story for another day.

Look I'll start out by saying that I am no fan of Wal-Mart. I don't like Wal-Mart because I find most of them to be dumps. I don't trust Wal-Mart for the fact that most of it's business connections and trade connections are routed in financial backings with Communist China and most of it's environmental practices are very shady. Getting caught dumping waste into nearby streams to avoid shipping costs and utilities costs somehow makes me queasy, but what Wal-Mart does is no different than what any other large scale corporation does, so why is there such an Anti-Wal Mart sentiment out there?

Well for one Wal-Mart happens to be the largest most successful retail corporation in the United States, making it an instant enemy to liberals in this country by default. Wal-Mart has managed to attract such a large following in this country for their cheap retail prices, as well as expand it's selection to allow an all purpose environment that appeals to low income as well as high income families, that it has basically created a monopoly without even creating a monopoly if that makes any sense. So what are the 4 top things people complain about?

Well for one thing if a store doesn't pay good wages, don't work for it. I didn't know that working at a grocery store was supposed to constitute an immediate right to a 6 figure income. Apparently if you ask these Wal-Mart Nazis what a good pay scale is, they'd probably give you something close to that figure. Look if you work at a grocery store, you're not going to get rich. I hate to break your bubble but that's reality.

Then how come every time I've ever seen a Wal-Mart the only people I ever see working there a young or old women? This idiot politically correct BS of only allowing a company to function if it has a 70 to 30 ratio of women to men, is starting to get very old. This is not a communist country yet and we are not required to follow the Marxist idealism of a person getting a job based on need over ability. If you are a woman and you are a complete slob, who just shows up to get paid, and a man is out there that can do the job better than you, your gonna get canned. It's not discrimination it's called competition.

People who usually make this complaint are the very same people that vote for politicians who find nothing wrong with government expanding far past it's constitutional limits. All I can say is that this argument is so hypocritical it wreaks.

THEN DON'T WORK AT FREAKIN' WAL MART! See this is the problem with society nowadays. People don't want to change, they want things to change for them. They can't get up and do anything themselves, they want the government to do it, they want to just get everything for themselves without having to do anything. Look if a company gives health insurance coverage, that's great, if it doesn't, oh well. Not all companies out there even give health insurance. There are plenty of people out there in struggling small businesses or in entrepreneurship that have to pay for 70% and up of their coverage, so don't bitch that a company isn't paying for something, that it never promised to pay you when it hired you.

See I wouldn't care about people attacking Wal-Mart, because their is always someone out there that is complaining about something, but these four arguments alone say a lot about how lazy and materialistic our society has become. We want to work these small no-education based jobs and expect to get these million dollar benefit packages. Here is a major gnarly idea for these people: shut up, go back to school and get an education and get the job that accompanies what you want to make. It's really an original idea isn't it, I mean it's only how this country has been on top for so long...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WalMart should have to provide it's workers with premium health insurance. These corporations just expect people to slave away for them and don't expect to do anything in return.