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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hillary: The Almighty One??!



Hillary has once again jumped on the bible wagon as a ploy to get her elected. The qreatest oppurtunist and poser to ever grace the Earth in thousands of years now is claimed to be "the most religious Democrat since Jimmy Carter."

Scary thought.

Maybe they mean that both are stupid religiously. I don't know.

But then again I could be wrong. After all, she was speaking in tongues.

She managed to go from a neutral speech pattern, to a southern drawl, to the worst form of Ebonics ever uttered, back to her screechy normal irritable voice within a week. For people like us, whom at the time, managed to see through her clear window act and found it funny and embarrassing as hell; we obviously don't understand the intelligence of this woman. After all the media had the biggest orgasm ever about the entire event, so we must have obviously seen something.

Yes I mean the same intellectually astute journalists who brought us hard covering news like a criticism of Fred Thompson's name, and America's hero Barbaro the fricken horse.

Fray-yed. Fredduh.

As for Hillary's morality and deep religious roots, maybe this author should look into the trail of dead bodies that seems to follow her around.?

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