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Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm Sorry Who Is Getting Secret Service?

Ahmanutjob To Get Secret Service Escort To Ground Zero If He Wants It

As I sit here too furious to form a coherent sentence let me ask this question? Who in the hell came up with the idea that it's up to Ahmanutjob to decide where he wants to go in OUR country and where he gets American tax dollar paid secret service?!

Last time I checked Ahmanutjob was threatening a nuclear war with us!

Last time I checked Ahmanutjob was threatening the annihilation of Israel and it's supporters!

Last time I checkd Ahmanutjob was a terrorist!

Last time I checked Ahmanutjob was not entitled to get our protection nor does he deserve it!

What a disgrace to the people who died on 9-11 that we are now going out of our way to have people risk their lives to defend this worthless piece of trash who has spent his entire administration oppressing his people and threatening to obliterate ours!

But for once it's not just a few numbers who are outraged about this. Like the immigration issue, the American people will be heard once again.

We all know what will happen when he gets here. He will go, lay a wreath, fake some tears, go back to Iran, and the next thing we'll see is every terrorist propaganda channel out there talking about how he went to the Evil Satan and commemorated those heroic terrorists who killed thousands of the infidel on 9-11. Why do I think this will happen? Because I, unlike many of our idiot politicians, understand this enemy and who we are dealing with. I understand the power that people like Ahmanutjob have over the masses of people that they keep ignorant and brainwashed in their countries. I also know that a new war, this one with Iran, is looming dreadfully on the horizon.

I just hope the first attack won't be on us.

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