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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Immigration Update

Quick somebody wake up Michael Chertoff!

This latest little snippet is just one of the many things that we were worried about occurring with wide open borders and unenforced laws. Just imagine how bad this would have been if the Amnesty Bill was passed.

FBI Report: Illegals From Middle East

Now before I get thirty thousand libs talking about how racist and stereotypical I am of accusing " innocent middle easterners" of being terrorists or criminals simply on their race and origin let me point out a small little detail in this article.

According to this report smugglers who usually smuggled in Mexicans decided to switch to Middle Eastern individuals because it was more "lucrative". Smugglers charged anywhere from "$20,000 to $25,000" a head. Now someone tell me how any poor battered down individual looking for "jobs Americans wouldn't do" would be able to afford multilpe $20,000 dollar illegal tickets for his family, let alone himself to get into the US?!

Due to our governments inability to listen to people and solve a problem, we now have a wide open entrance for terrorists to get into this country without anyone even knowing they were here to begin with. All it costs is $20,000 dollars a suicide bomber, and with all the money that this country sends the Middle East in foreign aid as well as profit from oil sales, it wouldn't be hard for terrorist organizations to sponsor a little jihad field trip for terror school grads.

Yet our insanely intelligent leaders showing their great intelligence spent trillions on national security precautions that won't mean a damn thing. Let me paint you a hypothetical image of what Washington has managed to accomplish since 9-11.

You live in a house and you spend thousands of dollars of your well earned money on security cameras, alarms, motion detectors, bars and locks. Unfortunately you left out a small detail. You never CLOSED THE DOOR.

So in conclusion what the hell does that thousand dollar security system do for you?

Our government has spent the last few years spending infinite poundage on covering up a major crack in the foundation of this country. Instead of fixing it, they've managed to decorate and ordain this crack with lots of flashy things to distract the American people from the fact of the bulls-eye we all have on our foreheads.

I may not be a graduate from Harvard or Yale here, but I'm pretty sure that if you have a wide open border that nobody is paying any particular attention to, it isn't going to matter who's profiling legal entrants to this country for criminals, because chances are the criminal is already going to be standing behind you.

Until we start enforcing the laws we have now and get serious about the threat to our national security that exists within our own borders, we can look forward to another attack very soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Until we start doing something about this government that wants to pretend that the problem will just go away if they ignore it, we aren't going to get anything done about this border.