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Thursday, June 28, 2007

An American Victory

Today marks the first time in a long while that America has risen up and held it's government accountable for it's actions, and today marks a great victory for democracy.

All of these amnesty driven politicians thought they had the last laugh yesterday, when many like Lindsey Graham and Ted Kennedy thought that this bill would go for cloture and become an easy validation, but the American people, who remained strong in opposing this disgusting bill, showed them exactly what power they had. This morning the Senate phone board had to be shut down because it was so overridden with angry Americans like me and you that they were worried about it frying out.

Because of you America, this bill went down in flames, and all I can say is let it burn, baby!

But don't think that this issue is going away completely. Not until everyone of these morons who defied the will of America, to appease special interest, is thrown out of office will we see an end to this issue. And the partisan boo-hooing has already begun. Re-Pube-Icans, (a nod to The Great One for that great term) and the President as well as the moonbats of America have already started with their threats and attacks on everyday Americans, but once again we will stand unwavering to the bigotry of these special interest dictatorships. We will not allow America to fall to the firing lines of another country's demands instead of the constitutional power of the American people. We will not stand for a corrupt government creating a slave constituency.

Lindsey Graham and others like him should be thrown from office. This country cannot allow nor survive people like him in power. People like him who will make a mockery of this country's security and this country's constitution. People like him who throw mud in the face of thousands of hardworking legal immigrants who waited and went through all the red tape of becoming a citizen and those on their way to citizenship. People like him who threaten to censor those who speak out in disagreement with his beliefs. They should not be in power.

But this is only the first battle. Very soon another big government bill will be placed out in the arena. The Fairness Doctrine will be on these dirty politicians silver platters in the morning. Now that they are angered by this defeat they will go after talk radio, and when they go after talk radio, the Internet and what we can discuss here will be under fire next. It has become clear that many in this government will do anything they can to gain more power and appease special interests, even if it means the destruction of our freedoms and our liberties. It's bad enough that we face a foreign threat, who will not stop until we all are dead, but now we face a domestic threat that strives to keep us in the dark about it's intentions.

These politicians know that the only thing standing in their way between what they want to accomplish is talk radio, bloggers, and the audiences of both. They know that unlike the MSM, we cannot be paid off and we will not paddle to their special interests the way that they do, and with that said, America must remain vigilant as ever before.

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