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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Virginia Tech Massacre & Westboro

Ready to shoot blood out of your eyes?


It's bad enough that the recent tragedy of 32 innocent people having their lives destroyed because of the destruction of a self-proclaimed martyr in the name of evil and death, we now have to watch the families who have already been terrorized enough by NBC and other media outlets playing Cho's ranting video over and over again, be terrorized at their loved one's funerals, by the Westboro Hate Cult.

Now the media will come out and call this group the "Westboro Baptist Church", but I will not ever refer to them by that name, because they simply masquerade under it. These people are not Christians. What they are is a group of fundamentalist wackos with an agenda to destroy this country. They are sick pathetic monsters who follow a leader who failed in politics, and for good reasons. They are fueled by their hatred of free minds, free will, and tolerance, and will go to any sick low to accomplish and spread their message of hate. They are no different than the Islamofacists and are just as large of a threat. The only difference is that they haven't started strapping bombs to themselves, but give them time. It will only take one of these mad pricks to get ballsy and try something.

But what angers me is that a group like this continues to get a soapbox. We continue to allow groups like this to blossom and protect their "freedom of speech" and their "rights", yet we have no respect for the victim's rights to peace and to mourn.

I found NBC's grandstand of the tapes disgusting. It was overdone, and it was thoughtless, and it only went to terrorize people who lost someone or experienced this horrific event, but the last thing that these people need is bigots like this kicking them when they are down.

1 comment:

Paulette Simone said...

It makes me ill to see the cruelty some people can depict on others during their time of distress. Just pathetic. I don't ever remember reading anywhere in the bible where Jesus attacked a group of mourners. They give Christians a bad name.