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Friday, April 6, 2007

Bill O'Reilly, The Corruption of Government & What American Voters Have Done Wrong

Well I bet some of you think that I'm going to stand up on my soapbox and stick up for Bill O'Reilly because after all "that's all we conservatives do, watch Bill O'Reilly and Fox News and shoot things blah blah blah." Well I'm not, and for the record, I'm pretty fed up with all of them right now.

I have never been a fan of Bill "shut the hell up" O'Reilly. If all the arrogance and belligerence could manifest itself into one person in a suit, it would be Bill O'Reilly. But yesterday as I was flipping through the channels, and I caught O'Reilly basically coming close to going WWE on Geraldo Rivera, which is another talking head that I can't stand, I couldn't help but watch.

The background behind the story is simple. A little girl was killed by a drunk driver, who happened to also be an illegal immigrant. Now I can understand O'Reilly's point, and for once I do agree with him. Just like the case of the railroad killer, if this man would have been deported like he should have been the first time he committed a crime, this would have never happened. The open door policy in this country is ridiculous.

Watch him lose his mind.

But O'Reilly should be ashamed of himself for the fact that he made an absolute fool out himself and of anyone who supports the closing and securing of our borders in this country. His childish yelling and screaming made everyone of us out here look like incompetent screaming morons. If O'Reilly would have simply debated like a civilized person, and Geraldo would have kept his cool as well, the opinions of both sides could have been heard, but know it had to turn into a freaking bash fest.

This folks is why nothing will ever get done by politicians and political figures and the media for that matter. We have problems in this country, but instead of compromising or figuring out the best plan to take action, we yell and scream and fight amongst ourselves when we should be uniting against a common threat. Meanwhile the enemy looks at this as a sign of crumbling from within, and only knows that if they hold out long enough, we will fall from within. This has been happening since Vietnam, and the same politicians who are pulling their antics in Washington DC and from media hubs around the US, are the same people who were passing the funny junk around during Woodstock, and spitting on soldiers when they came home.

And the other side of the aisle isn't any better either. We have an administration of fake conservatives, who like to call themselves "Reaganites" even though they wouldn't have a damn clue and a half how to spell Reagan, let alone his positions. We have numerous candidates seeking office who claim to be molded under real conservatism, but every single one of them might as well put a DNC sticker on their forehead, because that's exactly where they stand. Government is getting larger and larger every single day, through legislation by activist judges, and over extension of power by our legislative branches when it comes to personal liberties, yet when it comes to our security, the people that are supposed to be responsible are no where to be found.

Folks we are in some real trouble, and something needs to be done. I totally believe that it's time for a new party in this country, because this constant dynasty of Democratic to Republican government isn't doing a damn thing, besides getting us into more conflicts, more trouble, and more wars, and before someone starts talking to me about how we we're attacked, I know and I understand that, but who could've prevented those attacks? We had a president who seen the warning signs and even some attacks during his years in office, and did nothing. Despite Bush only being in office during several months before 9-11, he still is responsible. Ronald Reagan got to work on our security the day he was inaugurated.

Jimmy "peaNUT" Carter, made an absolute fool out of this country to the Middle East. He made us look powerless, and to many extents is the man to blame for the troubles we are having to day and even though he took a harder line then most, Reagan had the chance to turn Iran into a smoking hole in the ground, and passed on it.

Yet people are still anointing themselves to a political party name. How much longer are we going to sell out our security and our country, just to stay in our little political catalogs. Blue-Collar Democrats?! Why do you keep voting in this far-left statist goofballs, who have absolutely nothing in common with what you believe in. These people don't want to help companies and workers, they want to destroy them. Every single cut that has come your way, has been either directly or indirectly linked to liberal legislation. Yet you continue to vote them in? Why?

Yellow-Dog Republicans? Why do you vote for just any person with the letter "R" after their name and not even look at the issues? Why do you sit and bitch about the liberal beliefs of McCain yet prompt Giuliani as some conservative god, when they have the same exact platform?! Why do you talk about how you could never vote for Romney because of Mormonism, yet talk about how great a man of morals, Newt Gingrich is, while he's cheated on several wives? Why?

Seriously America, it's time to look at the problems in this country and then look in the mirror at ourselves, because the corruption in this country could have only occurred, because we allowed them to do so in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Amen