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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Border Revisited

When did it suddenly become normal to sell out our own people , who dare do the job that our government won't do, in order to appease a foreign body of government? When did autonomy and independence suddenly bow to conformity and foreign opinion? When did the United States Constitution suddenly apply to all people of the world?

If you were like me you were probably shocked to here the story out of El Paso where a border agent who was jailed for shooting an "innocent drug smuggler", who had fired upon him, before he could flee back across to Mexico. Now you will probably be even more shocked to know that he was assaulted in jail and our own justice system who failed once to uphold the laws of this country in his case , is once again turning another blind eye to what happened.

Ignacio Ramos, who was just doing his job, was imprisoned for doing just that. This isn't the first time that our border forces have been put into a quagmire situation thanks to President Bush and many other idiots on all sides of Washington. In fact if you go back to the "Camelot Era" of Clinton you would see many times that our border people were threatened with physical harm and lawsuits if they dared to stop drug smugglers, by our own government.

It is very apparent that neither side of the government wants to do anything about this situation. The reason is obvious: votes. Both sides of the aisle view these people coming over illegally into this country as assets politically to getting themselves back on their pads in Washington. Nobody cares about the security threat that a wide open border poses except for people like Tom Tancredo and everyday Americans like you and me.

I applaud Tancredo for standing up and putting the blame for these constant outrageous events on our own borders, right back in the faces of those responsible. Bush and the Republicans have failed this country again and again when it comes to securing our country, while the Democrats fumble and bumble about their own ways to line up illegal votes and undermine our military instead of proposing something better. My question is how much longer are we going to stand for this crap? How much longer are the American people going to vote in a dynasty of incompetent leadership, while sacrificing our safety and our freedoms? Where is the Democratic Party? All I see is a group of Socialists, and where is the GOP, who is made up now of nothing but a group of spineless liberals?

I honestly think that it's a perfect time for a new party in this country. A party that stands for America first in all of it's ideas and truth. We need a party that stands strong on upholding the Constitution's wishes of a small limited government, concerned primarily in the defense of this country. We need a party that routes it's social beliefs in ethical morality and responsibility linked in populist independence, not government enforced tax and regulation. We need a government that sees the importance of preserving homeland based industry and self-sufficient resourcing, and the dangers of globalist mantra outsourcing. Where is this party?

Where are the people that truly love this country? They must be all fighting in the Middle East, because it seems the only people that are running the show here are the one's concerned about mucho dinero.


Anonymous said...

bush has never done anything about the border. I doubt he'll do anything to help those men, i recently read that he pardond a few drug dealers. yet he wont do anything for the men who were doing their jobs!


I dont know why anyone would support bush, he truly is pathetic!

a true conservative wouldnt support him.

Anonymous said...

mexico is demanding an investigation into the deaths of some border hoppers!

what the hell!!

our government isnt going to do anything about the border!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe, I can't disagree with anything you said or what these guys above me said.

The horrifying fact is that our government is actually waging a war in it's own way against the will of the people. Our own elected officials are defying their duties.

God bless those people who fight to keep our borders safe and closed. It's a two way battle but the American people are behind you guys.

Joe said...

All I can say is amen to what ya'll said. It's good to know that I'm not the only one frustrated with what's going on.